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Blackwood Health Center
Our outstanding team is here to help you reach your healthcare goals. Contact us today.
Chiropractor Colorado Springs CO
Welcome to Blackwood Health Center located at 11425 Black Forest Road #1 in Colorado Springs, CO. We understand that choosing a chiropractor is a big decision. This article will help you learn the basics of chiropractic care. Please don't hesitate to contact our Colorado Springs chiropractor with any further questions you have. We are here to help you achieve your goals.
"I use my work as a means to connect with people, to offer some kind of helpful words and actions. Maybe we do some business, maybe we don’t. I hope their lives are richer for our meeting. I know that mine is. I am grateful for the wealth of connections I have made."
- Dr. Lee J Blackwood DC.

Blackwood Health Center
Most people believe that chiropractors treat back pain. That is true, but there is so much more that chiropractic care can achieve. Because chiropractors help to remove pressure from the nervous system, they can also influence many other conditions. It is common to hear chiropractic patients say that they came in for back pain and their headaches got better.
Find It, Fix It, Leave it Alone!
Health is a gift that must be cared for. Our role is to help remove obstacles and support the healing process. Injury and Illness come in many forms; physical, emotional, stress, chemical imbalance. Finding the cause is paramount to facilitating health.
Services Include:
- Specific chiropractic adjustments. Being specific allows us to adjust, evaluate and determine what works best for the patient. Being able to reevaluate and adjust the treatments works best in all our modalities. Chiropractic, Nutrition, Acupuncture, Dry Needling, Shockwave, and Laser therapies.
- Nutritional analysis and supplement protocols. We use lab tests to look at nutritional imbalances and use interventional nutritional protocols to facilitate healing and optimal health.
- Acupuncture; We use a Meridian Imaging system that allows us to be methodical in our approach. Acupuncture is a fantastic adjunct to a well-tuned body and facilitates healing on so many levels.
- Dry Needling is a form of therapy in which thin needles are inserted into the myofascial trigger points (painful knots in muscles) in order to stimulate a healing response and reduce pain and spasms in the musculoskeletal system. (Dry Needling is NOT acupuncture).
- Shock Wave therapy: Shock wave therapy has emerged as a possible treatment option for patients with chronic tendon problems. The procedure uses either pressurized air or electromagnetic pulses to delivers shock waves to the body to help treat a variety of chronic disorders.
Laser Pain Relief Therapy: Five things to know about Laser therapy;
- It reduces pain and inflammation.
- It can be used on acute and chronic problems.
- Treatments feel good, and usually there is some relief after the first treatment.
- Treatments are quick.
- Treatments are customized for each patient and condition.
Blackwood Health Center has had success with a great many conditions, from simple sprains and strains to much more difficult chronic ailments. Never give up hope, it doesn’t hurt to ask.